Managing your Wait List

Happy Peak Enrollment Season! If your subject(s) have courses that utilize a wait list, be sure to review your own procedures for allowing student enrollment. Here are some additional considerations:

For Curric/Enroll Reps managing a wait list: 

  • Once a course has reached capacity and at least one student has enrolled onto the wait list, the course will remain in wait list status even if a student who was previously enrolled in the course drops it and creates an open seat. For example, if all 20 seats are full, 5 students enroll on the wait list, 1 student drops the course thereby leaving 1 seat open, the course will remain in wait list status. It will remain this way until no students remain on the wait list (either by dropping the wait list, or getting permission to enroll in the course via the wait list). 
  • Managing your wait list may require updating the capacities, or combined capacities: SIS/Managing Your Enrollment – Managing Wait Lists

For students who are enrolling: 

  • The enrollment process is slightly different when enrolling from the wait list – this can be confusing for students: Course Search & Enroll – Wait Lists
  • When using the SWAP function if a student indicates “wait list ok” for the swap into class they will be dropped from the swap out class and enrolled onto the wait list. See other helpful FAQs here: Course Search & Enroll – Wait List FAQ