Valid Grades

Grades included in computing the GPA

A (Excellent) 4
AB (Intermediate grade) 3.5
B (Good) 3
BC (Intermediate grade) 2.5
C (Fair) 2
D (Poor) 1
F (Failure, see section below) 0

Failures/repeat course option: Every grade of Failure remains permanently on the student’s academic record. A Failure is counted as 0 grade points per credit in computing the GPA. In effect since August of 1980, all courses receiving an A – F grade are used in the calculation of a GPA. This includes courses which are failed and repeated.

Excluded from the GPA calculation

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Pass/Fail or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

(S or U) in courses taken on the Pass/Fail basis. For courses taken under the pass/fail option, the grade of S shall be recorded by the Registrar in place of instructors’ grades of A, AB, B, BC, C; the grade of U shall be recorded by the Registrar in place of instructors’ grades of D or F. Neither the S nor the U are used in computing the grade point average. The pass/fail option is the student’s choice and the instructor reports the grade independently of any knowledge they may have as to whether or not the student is taking the course on a pass/fail basis. Note: the D grade is unsatisfactory for Pass/Fail Courses.

Satisfactory-Disruption/University Disruption-No Credit

(SD or UD) This grading option, available in Spring 2020 and Spring 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, converted students letter grade to one of the two new grades. The SD grade counted for all University General Education, degree/major, certificate, and PhD minor requirements and satisfied future course prerequisites. The UD grade did not count for any credit. Neither of the new grades were included in GPA calculations.

Credit or No Credit

(Cr or N)

A limited number of courses on campus are offered on a Credit/No Credit basis, Credit/No Credit is not the same as Pass/Fail. At the completion of the course the student is given a grade of CR or N rather than a letter grade. A grade of CR will give the student credit towards a degree but will not have any grade points associated with it to be figured into the grade point average calculation. A grade of N will award no credit. Credit/No Credit courses are identified in the Class Search – Class Details page as a Grading basis of “Credit/No Credit”.

Approval for a department to offer a course on a Credit/No Credit basis requires approval through the standard course approval process.


I (IN for Cr/N Courses) a temporary grade used when work is not completed during a term. An Incomplete may be reported for a student who has carried a subject with a passing grade until near the end of the semester and then, because of illness or other unusual and substantiated cause beyond their control, has been unable to take or complete the final examination, or to complete some limited amount of term work. An Incomplete is not given to a student who stays away from a final examination unless the student proves to the instructor that they were prevented from attending as indicated above. In the absence of such proof the grade shall be F; even with such proof, if their work has convinced the instructor that they cannot pass, the grade shall be F.


(DR)  indicates the course was dropped.


(P) a temporary grade used for courses extending beyond one term. The final grade determines the grade for each term and replaces P grades for the course.


(S or NR) courses, denoted as such by ‘AU’ in place of a number of credits, are graded either Satisfactory or No Report.

Question on Credits or Honors

(Q)  a temporary grade used during grade reporting to indicate a credit problem. Should only be used when the student is enrolled for the wrong number of credits or their honors indication is incorrect. A Q grade may be represented on a grade report as “?”.

Extended Incomplete

(EI)  a temporary grade for an extended time limit to remove an Incomplete.

Permanent Incomplete

(PI) a permanent grade replacing an Incomplete incurred in a student’s last semester in residence and not removed within five years.


(W)  indicates the student withdrew from the University while enrolled in the course.

No Report

(NR) indicates that a grade was not submitted by the instructor. Has no net effect on GPA. Effective Summer 1999.

Deferred, Excused, Permanently Excused

(Def, Ex, PE) formerly used only for required Physical Education. The Physical Education requirement was discontinued effective August 30, 1976.

No Work

(NW) should be used for students who enroll in a course and then never attend. ‘No Work’ in this context means that the instructor has no evidence that the student ever attended, in that no course work was ever submitted. Any student who does attend for part of the semester, and then stops participating should be given a grade of ‘F’ unless there are grounds for assignment of a grade of ‘I'(Incomplete).” Fac. Doc. 1028; effective 9/94.


(R) not used after the Summer 1974.