Our Office


The Office of the Registrar collaborates and engages with the campus community to ensure we effectively and efficiently meet the needs of faculty, staff, and students by continuously supporting the teaching and learning mission of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and embracing the Wisconsin Idea.

We are building a better campus community by supporting the teaching and learning mission of the University of Wisconsin-Madison through the creation and implementation of essential enrollment, curricular, credit, and student record services, tools, and guidance.

We are part of the Division of Enrollment Management, which includes the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, and the Office of Student Financial Aid.


Maintain the integrity of all core functions.

Develop staff, both professional and student, to progress in their desired career that leads to an enjoyable, productive, and stimulating workplace.

Collaborate and engage with the campus community to ensure we efficiently and effectively meet the needs of faculty, staff and students.

Continuously support the teaching and learning mission of the University of Wisconsin–Madison and embrace the Wisconsin Idea.

Become a national model known for creativity, innovation, and services which places us at the forefront of our profession.

Core Values

Organizational Units

Academic Services

Academic Services provides essential services to schools, colleges, and departments in support of the university’s teaching and learning mission. The team supports departments in building and maintaining the schedule of classes, including scheduling of General Assignment classrooms; course, class, and instructor data maintenance; and requisite creation and enforcement. Additionally, the team provides coordination and support for many crucial academic systems and processes, including the Guide (Lumen), undergraduate and capstone certificate degree audit (DARS), and certification of athletic academic eligibility. Finally, the team enables access to academic and student data via standardized reports, visualizations, and tools; ad hoc querying; and official reporting.

Application Development and Technical Services

(“ADTS”) Manages overall infrastructure setup and maintenance of Office of the Registrar data systems, including SIS set-up and processes, project management, identity and access management, enterprise data management and security, desktop support, and network services.

Student Services

Recording and accessing information on the student record from the time a student applies for admission to after graduation. This can include residence for tuition determination, course enrollment, credit evaluation services, academic and demographic updates to the student record, transcript production, enrollment and degree verification, and diploma services.

Staff Directory

Please visit the main contact page for most effective ways to get in touch with the Office of the Registrar when you’re not trying to reach a specific staff person.

In the section below, search and filters appear first, followed by a list of faculty and staff. When a search term is entered into the search input field or a filter is selected, the list of faculty/staff automatically updates to match the search term and/or selected filters.

Filter Results

Faculty Staff List

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Kim Alling

Position title: Security & SEA Administrator

Email: kim.alling@wisc.edu

Aaron Apel

Position title: Associate University Registrar for Student Services

Email: aaron.apel@wisc.edu

Jeff Armstrong

Position title: Assistant University Registrar of Curricular Services

Email: jeff.armstrong@wisc.edu

Sara Arnsdorf

Position title: Degree Audit Business Analyst

Email: sara.arnsdorf@wisc.edu

Jessi Asmus

Position title: Records & Enrollment Specialist

Email: jessica.asmus@wisc.edu

Ally Bartelme

Position title: Client Services Supervisor

Email: ally.bartelme@wisc.edu

Katie Block

Position title: Assistant University Registrar for Degree Audit and Academic Programs

Email: katelyn.block@wisc.edu

Jen Brown

Position title: Curricular Management Specialist

Email: jennifer.brown@wisc.edu

Corey Campbell

Position title: Student Records Automation Specialist

Email: corey.campbell@wisc.edu

Kim Channpraseut

Position title: Director of Student Enterprise Applications Systems

Email: kim.channpraseut@wisc.edu

Sue Colerick

Position title: Business Systems Analyst

Email: colerick@wisc.edu

My Linh Do

Position title: Credit Evaluation Specialist

Email: my.linh.do@wisc.edu

Jennifer Donahoe

Position title: BI Developer

Email: jennifer.donahoe@wisc.edu

Sarah Duford

Position title: Course Equivalency Rule Specialist

Email: sarah.duford@wisc.edu

Anna Dunn

Position title: Academic Athletic Eligibility Specialist

Email: anna.k.dunn@wisc.edu

Eric Durkee

Position title: Data Specialist

Email: eric.durkee@wisc.edu

Chuck Dvorak

Position title: Curricular Specialist

Email: chuck.dvorak@wisc.edu

Anne Eckenrod

Position title: Assistant University Registrar for Student Records

Email: anne.eckenrod@wisc.edu

Brittany Elandt

Position title: Curricular Specialist

Email: brittany.elandt@wisc.edu

Matt Evans

Position title: Degree Audit Encoding Specialist

Email: matthew.evans@wisc.edu

Katie Gagliano

Position title: Records & Enrollment Specialist

Email: katrina.gagliano@wisc.edu

Leslie Gardner

Position title: Software Developer Lead

Email: leslie.gardner@wisc.edu

Scott Golueke

Position title: Assistant University Registrar for Credit Evaluation Services

Email: scott.golueke@wisc.edu

Jack Hadlich

Position title: Credit Evaluation Specialist

Email: hadlich@wisc.edu

David Hall

Position title: Software Developer/Engineer - SEA

Email: dghall@wisc.edu

Heather Hollister

Position title: Software Engineer/Developer III

Email: heather.hollister@wisc.edu

Phil Hull

Position title: Data Strategist & Steward

Email: phillip.hull@wisc.edu

Jonny Khammanivong

Position title: Academic Athletic Eligibility Specialist

Email: jonny.khammanivong@wisc.edu

Kate Kurek

Position title: Curricular Outreach Specialist

Email: kate.kurek@wisc.edu

Will Lipske

Position title: Associate University Registrar for Academic Services

Email: will.lipske@wisc.edu

Diana Maki

Position title: Associate Director for Academic Affairs, Office of Academic & Career Success and Office of the Registrar

Email: diana.maki@wisc.edu

Sean McConnell

Position title: Software Developer/Engineer

Email: sean.mcconnell@wisc.edu

Jaclyn (Jackie) McHugh

Position title: Residence Specialist

Email: jaclyn.mchugh@wisc.edu

Leah Meicher

Position title: Assistant Director Student Enterprise Applications (SEA)

Email: leah.meicher@wisc.edu

Julie Meyer

Position title: Credit Evaluation Specialist

Email: julie.meyer@wisc.edu

Tracy Mores

Position title: Business System Analyst II

Email: tracy.mores@wisc.edu

Debbie Moy

Position title: Records & Enrollment Specialist

Email: debbie.moy@wisc.edu

Kelly Norton

Position title: Assistant University Registrar of Data, Reporting, Eligibility

Email: kelly.higgins@wisc.edu

Paul Oshefsky

Position title: Student Services Outreach Specialist

Email: paul.oshefsky@wisc.edu

Scott Owczarek

Position title: Associate Vice Provost and University Registrar

Email: scott.owczarek@wisc.edu

Katie Paar

Position title: Enrollment & Residence Automation Specialist

Email: katie.paar@wisc.edu

Sherran Pak

Position title: Curricular Specialist

Email: sherran.pak@wisc.edu

Tony Pietsch

Position title: Residency Specialist

Email: adpietsch@wisc.edu

Lindsey Radloff

Position title: Credit Evaluation Specialist

Email: lindsey.radloff@wisc.edu

Logan Reigstad

Position title: Communications Specialist

Email: logan.reigstad@wisc.edu

Makenzie Relford

Position title: Degree Audit Encoding Specialist

Email: makenzie.relford@wisc.edu

Jess Richards

Position title: Course Specialist

Email: jess.richards@wisc.edu

Megan Rodenburg

Position title: Business Systems Analyst

Email: megan.rodenburg@wisc.edu

Priya Sachithanandam

Position title: Business System Analyst II

Email: priya.sachithanandam@wisc.edu

Steve Sisson

Position title: Administrative and Budget Manager

Email: steve.sisson@wisc.edu

Cori Stewart

Position title: BI Developer

Email: cori.stewart@wisc.edu

Sharon Sumner

Position title: Degree Audit Encoding Specialist

Email: sharon.sumner@wisc.edu

Brittney Trimmer

Position title: IT Portfolio Manager

Email: btrimmer@wisc.edu

Heidi Tuescher-Gille

Position title: Assistant University Registrar for Enrollment and Residency

Email: heidi.tueschergille@wisc.edu

Beth Warner

Position title: Deputy University Registrar

Email: beth.warner@wisc.edu

Erynn Zweifel

Position title: Curricular Specialist

Email: ezweifel@wisc.edu

Our Work