When navigating through the enrollment process at UW–Madison — enrolling in a class, making changes (like drop) to your class schedule, or withdrawing from school for a semester — you may first need to get permission from a campus official.
Department permission Instructor consent Academic Dean approval Late initial enrollment
Department Permission
When do you need department permission
Departments/programs manage the enrollment in their courses. You may need to receive department permission:
- to enroll in a class closed to non-majors;
- to enroll in a class when your previous courses don’t exactly meet the requisites;
- to add a class after the deadline to do so has passed;
- and many other situations.
Find department contact info in Course Search & Enroll
Departments display their contact information for permission requests in the “Subject Notes” area of the main course panel.
When you’ve received instructions that you need to get department permission to enroll in a class or to make changes to your existing classes, this list can help you find the right contact person. UW departments and programs manage the courses offered in the different curricular subject areas.
Bonus feature: select the link in the “Course Search & Enroll” column to open a new browser window; then select the search magnifying glass symbol to display that subject area’s classes (requires a UW netID). Other valuable contact information for this subject area may be displayed in the “Subject Notes” and “Class Notes” fields for the class.
[Departments and programs can send updates and corrections to Paul Oshefsky, Office of the Registrar. An official list of all subject areas is here.]
Code | Abbreviation | Subject Area | Contact Name | Phone | Course Search & Enroll | |
108 | A A E | Agricultural and Applied Economics | Michaela Thaw | pthaw@wisc.edu | 608-262-9488 | view classes |
102 | A F AERO | Air Force Aerospace Studies | Ashley Johnson | aajohnson9@wisc.edu | 608-262-3440 | view classes |
232 | ACCT I S | Accounting and Information Systems | https://go.wisc.edu/busenroll (submit form) | view classes | ||
242 | ACT SCI | Actuarial Science | https://go.wisc.edu/busenroll (submit form) | view classes | ||
104 | AFRICAN | African Languages and Literature | William Bach | wbach@wisc.edu | 608-262-2041 | view classes |
106 | AFROAMER | African American Studies | James Warwood | warwood@wisc.edu | 608-262-1642 | view classes |
130 | AGROECOL | Agroecology | Caitlin Collies or Jillene Fisch | caitlin.collies@wisc.edu or jrfisch@wisc.edu | 608-262-1390 | view classes |
132 | AGRONOMY | Agronomy | Caitlin Collies or Jillene Fisch | caitlin.collies@wisc.edu or jrfisch@wisc.edu | 608-262-1390 | view classes |
140 | AMER IND | American Indian Studies | Denise Wiyaka | denise.wiyaka@wisc.edu | 608-263-0633 | view classes |
604 | AN SCI | Animal Sciences | Liv Sandberg | sandberg@ansci.wisc.edu | 608-263-4303 | view classes |
146 | ANAT&PHY | Anatomy & Physiology | Lisa Cappabianca | lcappabianca@wisc.edu | 608-262-0259 | view classes |
144 | ANATOMY | Anatomy | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | ||
148 | ANESTHES | Anesthesiology | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | ||
156 | ANTHRO | Anthropology | Noah Ramthun | anthroinfo@mailplus.wisc.edu | 608-262-2866 | view classes |
168 | ART | Art Department | artfrontdesk@education.wisc.edu | 608-262-1660 | view classes | |
176 | ART ED | Art Education (Department of Art) | artfrontdesk@education.wisc.edu | 608-262-1660 | view classes | |
180 | ART HIST | Art History | Teddy Kaul | ejkaul@wisc.edu | 608-263-2373 | view classes |
185 | ASIAN | Asian Languages and Cultures | Rachel Weiss | rweiss@wisc.edu | 608-890-0138 | view classes |
184 | ASIAN AM | Asian American Studies | Nguyen Nhung | asianamerican@letsci.wisc.edu | 608-263-2976 | view classes |
188 | ASTRON | Astronomy | Heather Sauer | hsauer@wisc.edu | 608-890-3775 | view classes |
640 | ATM OCN | Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | Dee Van Ruyven | ddvanruy@wisc.edu | 608-262-2827 | view classes |
207 | B M E | Biomedical Engineering | bme-enrollment@engr.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
210 | B M I | Biostatistics and Medical Informatics | BMI Enrollment | enrollment@biostat.wisc.edu | view classes | |
210 | B M I | Biostatistics and Medical Informatics | Megan Cornwell | megan.cornwell@wisc.edu | ||
200 | BIOCHEM | Biochemistry [Graduate] | Kate Ryan | cryan7@wisc.edu | 608-265-2281 | view classes |
200 | BIOCHEM | Biochemistry [undergraduate] | biochemmicrobio-advisor@wisc.edu | view classes | ||
206 | BIOCORE | Biology Core Curriculum | Carol Borcherding | carol.borcherding@wisc.edu | 608-265-2870 | view classes |
205 | BIOLOGY | Biology | Nazan Gillie | atilla@wisc.edu | 608-262-2741 | view classes |
758 | BMOLCHEM | Biomolecular Chemistry | Reginald White | rawhite4@wisc.edu | 608-261-1492 | view classes |
208 | BOTANY | Botany | Mark Connolly | mark.connolly@wisc.edu | 608-262-0476 | view classes |
112 | BSE | Biological Systems Engineering | Betsy Wood | betsy.wood@wisc.edu | 608-262-3310 | view classes |
864 | C&E SOC | Community and Environmental Sociology | Megan Banaszak | mbanaszak@wisc.edu | 608-262-1510 | view classes |
220 | CBE | Chemical and Biological Engineering | cbe-enrollment@che.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
224 | CHEM | Chemistry | undergrad@chem.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
228 | CHICLA | Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies | Rachelle Eilers | reilers@wisc.edu | 608-265-6081 | view classes |
240 | CIV ENGR | Civil and Environmental Engineering | cee-gle-enroll@engr.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
244 | CLASSICS | Classics | William Bach | wbach@wisc.edu | 608-262-2041 | view classes |
691 | CNP | Collaborative Nursing Program | Amy Corridon | corridon@wisc.edu | 608-263-6945 | view classes |
271 | CNSR SCI | Consumer Science | enrollment@sohe.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
250 | COM ARTS | Communication Arts | Clara Schanck | registration@commarts.wisc.edu | 608-262-2543 | view classes |
934 | COMP BIO | Comparative Biosciences | Kathleen Cummings | kathleen.cummings@wisc.edu | 608-263-8735 | view classes |
260 | COMP LIT | Comparative Literature | Cathy Yu | cathy.yu@wisc.edu | 608-890-1776 | view classes |
266 | COMP SCI | Computer Sciences | enrollment@cs.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
270 | COUN PSY | Counseling Psychology | Andrea Burdick | ampalm@wisc.edu | 608-262-4807 | view classes |
217 | CRB | Cell and Regenerative Biology | info@crb.wisc.edu | 608-265-3295 | view classes | |
252 | CS&D | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Amanda Talbert | atalbert@wisc.edu | 608-262-6464 | view classes |
247 | CSCS | Civil Society and Community Studies | enrollment@sohe.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
272 | CURRIC | Curriculum and Instruction [Secondary Education Program] | Grace Baik | gbaik@wisc.edu | (608)263-7138 | view classes |
272 | CURRIC | Curriculum and Instruction [Secondary Education Program] | Kim Otto | ksotto@wisc.edu | (608)263-4600 | view classes |
272 | CURRIC | Curriculum and Instruction [Elementary Education Program] | Terri Pope | theresa.pope@wisc.edu | (608)263-4661 | view classes |
272 | CURRIC | Curriculum and Instruction [Graduate Program] | Tom Tegart | tstegart@wisc.edu | (608)263-7466 | view classes |
741 | DANCE | Dance | Chris Hofland | danceinfo@education.wisc.edu | 608-262-4084 | view classes |
229 | DERM | Dermatology | Mary Poellinger | mpoellinger@dermatology.wisc.edu | 608-287-2865 | view classes |
359 | DS | Design Studies | enrollment@sohe.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
292 | DY SCI | Dairy Science | Liv Sandberg | sandberg@ansci.wisc.edu | 608-263-4303 | view classes |
295 | E ASIAN | East Asian Languages and Literature | Rachel Weiss | rweiss@wisc.edu | 608-890-0138 | view classes |
320 | E C E | Electrical and Computer Engineering | ece-enrollment@engr.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
346 | E M A | Engineering Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering | ema-enrollment@engr.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
347 | E P | Engineering Physics | ep-enrollment@engr.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
348 | E P D | Engineering Professional Development | studentservices@interpro.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
296 | ECON | Economics | econadvise@ssc.wisc.edu | 608-262-6925 | view classes | |
310 | ED POL | Educational Policy Studies | Kristin Dalby | kdalby@wisc.edu | 608-262-1761 | view classes |
315 | ED PSYCH | Educational Psychology | edpsych@education.wisc.edu | 608-262-3432 | view classes | |
305 | ELPA | Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis | Jessica Gile or Shari Smith | elpadesk@education.wisc.edu | 608-262-3106 | view classes |
330 | EMER MED | Emergency Medicine | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | ||
352 | ENGL | English | Pam Chizek | plchizek@wisc.edu | 608-263-3760 | view classes |
355 | ENTOM | Entomology | student-services@russell.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
360 | ENVIR ST | Environmental Studies - Gaylord Nelson Institute | Tara Mohan | temohan@wisc.edu | 608-263-3185 | view classes |
351 | ESL | English as a Second Language | askesl@english.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
396 | F&W ECOL | Forest and Wildlife Ecology | student-services@russell.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
370 | FAM MED | Family Medicine | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | ||
233 | FINANCE | Finance, Investment and Banking | https://go.wisc.edu/busenroll (submit form) | view classes | ||
375 | FISC | Farm & Industry Short Course | Jennifer Blazek | jennifer.blazek@wisc.edu | view classes | |
380 | FOLKLORE | Folklore Program | Mark Mears | mkmears@wisc.edu | 608-262-6764 | view classes |
390 | FOOD SCI | Food Science | Emma Temme | abels@wisc.edu | 608-265-2729 | view classes |
400 | FRENCH | French (French and Italian) | frit@frit.wisc.edu | 608-262-5074 | view classes | |
418 | G L E | Geological Engineering | cee-gle-enroll@engr.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
231 | GEN BUS | General Business | https://go.wisc.edu/busenroll (submit form) | view classes | ||
963 | GEN&WS | Gender and Women’s Studies | Nina Valeo Cooke | nina.valeo.cooke@wisc.edu | 608-263-1785 | view classes |
413 | GENECSLR | Genetic Counselor Studies | Lisa Fisher | mgcs@pediatrics.wisc.edu | 608-265-8680 | view classes |
412 | GENETICS | Genetics (Graduate) | Martha Reck | mreck2@wisc.edu | 608-263-6153 | view classes |
416 | GEOG | Geography | Mariah Gorman (Primary) | mtgorman@wisc.edu | 608-262-2138 | view classes |
416 | GEOG | Geography | Joel Gruley | jgruley@wisc.edu | 608-262-4438 | view classes |
420 | GEOSCI | Geoscience | Lisa Theo | ljtheo@wisc.edu | 608-262-9266 | view classes |
424 | GERMAN | German | Mark Mears | mkmears@wisc.edu | 608-262-6764 | view classes |
428 | GREEK | Greek (Classics) | Toni Landis | tllandis@wisc.edu | 608-262-2487 | view classes |
480 | H ONCOL | Human Oncology | Rachel Gragg | rgragg@humonc.wisc.edu | 608-262-3242 | view classes |
230 | HDFS | Human Development and Family Studies | enrollment@sohe.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
441 | HEBR-BIB | Hebrew-Biblical | Toni Landis | tllandis@wisc.edu | 608-262-2487 | view classes |
442 | HEBR-MOD | Hebrew-Modern | undergrad-adviser@cjs.wisc.edu | 608-265-4763 | view classes | |
456 | HIST SCI | History of Science (courses numbered 100-699) | undergraduateprogram@history.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
456 | HIST SCI | History of Science (courses numbered 700-999) | graduateprogram@history.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
448 | HISTORY | History (courses numbered 100-699) | undergraduateprogram@history.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
448 | HISTORY | History (courses numbered 700-999) | graduateprogram@history.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
476 | HORT | Horticulture | Kathryn Jones | kjones26@wisc.edu | 608-807-7391 | view classes |
490 | I SY E | Industrial and Systems Engineering | Missy Moreau | moreau2@wisc.edu | 608-265-9585 | view classes |
500 | ILS | Integrated Liberal Studies | Beth Shipman | eshipman@wisc.edu | 608-262-2190 | view classes |
234 | INFO SYS | Information Systems | https://go.wisc.edu/busenroll (submit form) | view classes | ||
495 | INTEGART | Integrated Arts | Kate Hewson | kate.hewson@wisc.edu | 608-263-9290 | view classes |
503 | INTEGSCI | Integrated Science | connect@wiscience.wisc.edu | 608-263-0598 | view classes | |
494 | INTER-AG | Interdisciplinary Courses (CALS) | interag-enrollment@cals.wisc.edu | 608-262-3037 | view classes | |
498 | INTER-HE | Interdisciplinary Courses (SOHE) | enrollment@sohe.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
502 | INTER-LS | Interdisciplinary Courses (L&S) | Jennifer Hart | jlhart@wisc.edu | 608-263-4080 | view classes |
496 | INTEREGR | Interdisciplinary Courses (Engineering) | interegr-enrollment@engr.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
235 | INTL BUS | International Business | https://go.wisc.edu/busenroll (submit form) | view classes | ||
504 | INTL ST | International Studies | Molly Donnellan | molly.donnellan@wisc.edu | 608-262-8431 | view classes |
508 | ITALIAN | Italian (French and Italian) | frit@frit.wisc.edu | 608-262-5074 | view classes | |
510 | JEWISH | Jewish Studies | undergrad-adviser@cjs.wisc.edu | 608-265-4763 | view classes | |
512 | JOURN | Journalism and Mass Communication | Jennifer Hart | jlhart@wisc.edu | 608-263-4080 | view classes |
742 | KINES | Kinesiology | Lisa Cappabianca | lcappabianca@wisc.edu | 608-262-0259 | view classes |
544 | L I S | Library and Information Studies | Lisa Wyeth | wyethwoerpel@wisc.edu | 608-263-2900 | view classes |
525 | LACIS | Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies | Alberto Vargas | avargasp@wisc.edu | 608-262-5622 | view classes |
520 | LAND ARC | Landscape Architecture | Deborah Griffin | dagriffin@wisc.edu | 608 263 7301 | view classes |
524 | LATIN | Latin (Classics) | Toni Landis | tllandis@wisc.edu | 608-262-2487 | view classes |
528 | LAW | Law | Angela Nash | angela.nash@wisc.edu | 608-263-6340 | view classes |
521 | LCA | Languages and Cultures of Asia | Rachel Weiss | rweiss@wisc.edu | 608-890-0138 | view classes |
522 | LCA LANG | Languages and Cultures of Asia - Languages | Rachel Weiss | rweiss@wisc.edu | 608-890-0138 | view classes |
535 | LEGAL ST | Legal Studies | Martine Delannay | mcdelannay@wisc.edu | 608-262-2083 | view classes |
550 | LINGUIS | Linguistics | Rebecca Shields | rashields@wisc.edu | view classes | |
120 | LSC | Life Sciences Communication | Tera Holtz Wagner | lifescicomm@cals.wisc.edu | 608-262-1241 | view classes |
612 | M E | Mechanical Engineering | me-enroll@engr.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
236 | M H R | Management and Human Resources | https://go.wisc.edu/busenroll (submit form) | view classes | ||
620 | M M & I | Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Renae Fenrick | rfenrick@wisc.edu | 608-262-7538 | view classes |
636 | M S & E | Materials Science and Engineering | Dane Mattila | dmattila@wisc.edu | 608-265-5870 | view classes |
362 | M&ENVTOX | Molecular and Environmental Toxicology Center | Ezra Mauk | ezra.mauk@wisc.edu | 608-265-6463 | view classes |
237 | MARKETNG | Marketing | https://go.wisc.edu/busenroll (submit form) | view classes | ||
600 | MATH | Mathematics | placement@math.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
616 | MD GENET | Medical Genetics | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | view classes | |
452 | MED HIST | Medical History and Bioethics | Nicole Senter | nicole.senter@wisc.edu | 608-263-3414 | view classes |
621 | MED PHYS | Medical Physics | Carol Aspinwall | caaspinwall@wisc.edu | 608-365-6504 | view classes |
622 | MED SC-M | Medical Sciences - Medical School | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | view classes | |
623 | MED SC-V | Medical Sciences - Veterinary Medicine | Kathleen Cummings | kathleen.cummings@wisc.edu | 608-263-8735 | view classes |
632 | MEDICINE | Medicine | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | view classes | |
633 | MEDIEVAL | Medieval Studies | Jen Schumacher | jenny.schumacher@wisc.edu | 608-263-1962 | view classes |
192 | MICROBIO | Microbiology | biochemmicrobio-advisor@wisc.edu | view classes | ||
644 | MIL SCI | Military Science | Anna Delong | adelong2@wisc.edu | 608-262-3411 | view classes |
650 | MOL BIOL | Molecular Biology | Ginny Jackson | vjackson4@wisc.edu | 608-890-3099 | view classes |
664 | MUS PERF | Music-Performance | Diana Wheeler | curriculum@music.wisc.edu | 608-263-1898 | view classes |
660 | MUSIC | Music | Diana Wheeler | curriculum@music.wisc.edu | 608-263-1898 | view classes |
684 | N E | Nuclear Engineering | ep-enrollment@engr.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
672 | NAV SCI | Naval Science | Kaighte Orshak | caorshak@wisc.edu | 608-262-3794 | view classes |
678 | NEURSURG | Neurological Surgery | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | view classes | |
682 | NTP | Neuroscience Training Program | Ana Garic or Sarah Woller | ntp@mailplus.wisc.edu | 608-262-4932 | view classes |
692 | NURSING | Nursing | Amy Corridon | corridon@wisc.edu | 608-263-6945 | view classes |
694 | NUTR SCI | Nutritional Sciences | Caitlin Seifert Irland | cseifert@wisc.edu | view classes | |
436 | OBS&GYN | Obstetrics & Gynecology | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | ||
695 | OCC THER | Occupational Therapy (Department of Kinesiology) | Lisa Cappabianca | ugkines@education.wisc.edu | 608-262-8976 | view classes |
700 | ONCOLOGY | Oncology | Hilary Gehin | cancerbio@oncology.wisc.edu | 608-262-4682 | view classes |
702 | OPHTHALM | Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | ||
238 | OTM | Operations and Technology Management | https://go.wisc.edu/busenroll (submit form) | view classes | ||
704 | PATH | Pathology and Laboratory Medicine | Joanne Thornton | jmthornt@wisc.edu | 608-262-2665 | view classes |
703 | PATH-BIO | Patho-Biological Sciences | Kathleen Cummings | kathleen.cummings@wisc.edu | 608-263-8735 | view classes |
708 | PEDIAT | Pediatrics | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | ||
726 | PHARMACY | Pharmacy | Lindsey Weigel | lindsey.weigel@wisc.edu | 608-262-6234 | view classes |
736 | PHILOS | Philosophy | Tammy Banfield | tbanfield@wisc.edu | 608-263-3700 | view classes |
728 | PHM PRAC | Pharmacy Practice | Lindsey Weigel | lindsey.weigel@wisc.edu | 608-262-6234 | view classes |
718 | PHM SCI | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Lindsey Weigel | lindsey.weigel@wisc.edu | 608-262-6234 | view classes |
724 | PHMCOL-M | Pharmacology | Kristin Cooper | kgcooper@wisc.edu | 608-262-9826 | view classes |
750 | PHY ASST | Physician Assistant Program | Erin McCarthy Orth | emmccarthy@wisc.edu | 608-263-6659 | view classes |
745 | PHY THER | Physical Therapy | Susan Arneson | skarneson@pt.wisc.edu | 608-263-7131 | view classes |
754 | PHYSICS | Physics | Christine Adamavich | cadamavich@wisc.edu | 608-262-4526 | view classes |
762 | PHYSIOL | Physiology | Lisa Cappabianca | lcappabianca@wisc.edu | 608-262-0259 | view classes |
766 | PL PATH | Plant Pathology | student-services@russell.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
778 | POLI SCI | Political Science | Rachel Margolies | rachel.margolies@wisc.edu | view classes | |
778 | POLI SCI | Political Science | Erin Bridges Moskowitz | erin.moskowitz@wisc.edu | view classes | |
810 | POP HLTH | Population Health Sciences | Terrie Howe | thowe2@wisc.edu | 608-263-4889 | view classes |
782 | PORTUG | Portuguese (Spanish and Portuguese) | Karen Francis | karen.francis@wisc.edu | 608-265-3183 | view classes |
820 | PSYCH | Psychology | enrollment@psych.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
814 | PSYCHIAT | Psychiatry | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | ||
826 | PUB AFFR | La Follette School of Public Affairs | Erin Rose | rose@lafollette.wisc.edu | 608-262-9163 | view classes |
832 | RADIOL | Radiology | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | ||
241 | R M I | Risk Management and Insurance | https://go.wisc.edu/busenroll (submit form) | view classes | ||
239 | REAL EST | Real Estate and Urban Land Economics | https://go.wisc.edu/busenroll (submit form) | view classes | ||
840 | RHAB MED | Rehabilitation Medicine | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | ||
856 | RELIG ST | Religious Studies | Rachel Weiss | rweiss@wisc.edu | 608-890-0138 | view classes |
194 | RP & SE | Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education | Kayla Armstrong | armstrongalf@wisc.edu | 608-263-4608 | view classes |
194 | RP & SE | Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education | Rebecca Bradbury | rebecca.bradbury@wisc.edu | ||
732 | S&A PHM | Social and Administrative Pharmacy | Lindsey Weigel | lindsey.weigel@wisc.edu | 608-262-6234 | view classes |
872 | SCAND ST | Scandinavian Studies | Mark Mears | mkmears@wisc.edu | 608-262-6764 | view classes |
888 | SLAVIC | Slavic (Slavic Languages) | Mark Mears | mkmears@wisc.edu | 608-262-6764 | view classes |
900 | SOC | Sociology | Ted Babcock | socugrad@ssc.wisc.edu | 608-262-3261 | view classes |
896 | SOC WORK | Social Work | Emmy Roper | eroper@wisc.edu | view classes | |
908 | SOIL SCI | Soil Science | Julie Garvin | jgarvin2@wisc.edu | 608-262-2239 | view classes |
912 | SPANISH | Spanish (Spanish and Portuguese) | Karen Francis | karen.francis@wisc.edu | 608-265-3183 | view classes |
882 | SR MED | Senior Medical Program | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | view classes | |
932 | STAT | Statistics | enroll@stat.wisc.edu | view classes | ||
875 | STS | Science and Technology Studies | Sainath Suryanarayanan | ssuryanaraya@wisc.edu | view classes | |
938 | SURG SCI | Surgical Sciences | Kathleen Cummings | kathleen.cummings@wisc.edu | 608-263-8735 | view classes |
936 | SURGERY | studentservices@med.wisc.edu | 608-263-4920 | |||
942 | THEATRE | Theatre and Drama | Robin Fisher | robin.fisher@wisc.edu | 608-265-2070 | view classes |
944 | URB R PL | Urban and Regional Planning | Amy Rivera | amy.rivera@wisc.edu | 608-890-4697 | view classes |
970 | ZOOLOGY | Zoology | Nazan Gillie | atilla@wisc.edu | 608-262-2741 | view classes |
Code | Abbreviation | Subject Area | Contact Name | Phone | Course Search & Enroll |
Instructor Consent
Some courses will include “consent of instructor” (or similar) as a requisite, or requirement that needs to be met before you can enroll in the class. If so, contact the instructor listed for the class to request permission to enroll.
The best place to find requisites in Course Search & Enroll is the “Section Information” field in the section details panel, as that will include requirements set for the entire course and also any that are specific to a section. The “Prerequisites” field shows the requirements for the entire course.
Finding instructor contact info
Select the name of the instructor in the section detail panel.
In the pop-up window, the instructor’s email address will appear.
TIP: When you contact an instructor by email, send the email from your wisc.edu account, include your campus ID number. You may be asked for more information about your qualifications and interest in the class.
If the instructor approves you for the class, consider contacting the department to ensure your permission is in the system.
You still need to enroll in the class! Go to Course Search & Enroll to enroll. Get in touch with the person (instructor or someone in the department) who gave you permission if you still have problems enrolling in the class.
Academic Dean Approval
Students work with the academic dean’s office in their school/college in certain circumstances related to enrollment actions.
Approval from academic deans isn’t typically required when initially enrolling in a class. However, students who want to add or drop a class late in the semester, or withdraw from UW–Madison for a term, will consult with their academic dean’s office, who will ensure that the student gets the advice, planning, and support they need.
Academic dean’s contact information
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences | CALS Academic Affairs | academicaffairs@cals.wisc.edu | 608-262-3003 | 116 Agricultural Hall | website |
Audiology | Audiology Program Coordinator | aihartman@wisc.edu | 608-262-6481 | 374 Goodnight Hall | |
Wisconsin School of Business | Undergraduate Academic Services | successandpolicy@wsb.wisc.edu | 608-262-0471 | 3150 Grainger Hall | website |
Division of Continuing Studies | Adult Career & Special Student Services | advising@dcs.wisc.edu | 608-263-6960 | 21 N. Park St., Room 7101 | website |
School of Education | Student Services | studentservices@education.wisc.edu | 608-262-1651 | 139 Education Building | website |
College of Engineering | Engineering Academic Deans Office | engracademicdean@engr.wisc.edu | 608-262-3484 | 2640 Engineering Hall | website |
Graduate School | Graduate School Academic Services | gsacserv@grad.wisc.edu | 608-262-2433 | 217 Bascom Hall | website |
School of Human Ecology | School of Human Ecology Student Academic Affairs | deansservices@sohe.wisc.edu | 608-262-2608 | 1194 Nancy Nicholas Hall | website |
Law School | Law School Student Services Office | angela.nash@wisc.edu | 608-263-6340 | 5106 Law | website |
College of Letters & Science | Undergraduate Academic Deans’ Services | lsdeans@saa.ls.wisc.edu | 608-262-0617 | 101 Mark H. Ingraham Hall | website |
School of Medicine and Public Health | contact your program office | ||||
School of Nursing | Office of Academic Affairs | academic.affairs@nursing.wisc.edu | 608-263-5202 | 1100 Signe Skott Cooper Hall | website |
School of Pharmacy | Pharmacy Student and Academic Affairs | pharminfo@pharmacy.wisc.edu | 608-262-6234 | 2220 Rennebohm Hall of Pharmacy | website |
School of Veterinary Medicine | Office of Academic Affairs | oaa@vetmed.wisc.edu | 608-263-2525 | 2268 Veterinary Medicine Building | website |
Type of Student | Advisors Approval* |
Academic Dean’s Office |
Grad Students | Yes | 217 Bascom Hall |
Law Students | No | 5106 Law |
Medical Students | No | 2150 HSLC |
Pharm D Students | Yes | 1203 Rennebohm Hall |
Physical Therapy Master’s | Yes | 1140 Med Sci Center (MSC) |
Master of Public Health | Yes | 1140 Med Sci Center (MSC) |
Veterinary Medicine | No | Rm 2268, 2015 Linden Dr. |
Undergrad and College Special Students: | ||
Ag & Life Sciences | No | 116 Ag Hall |
Business | *see below | 3150 Grainger Hall |
Education | No | 139 Education Bldg |
Engineering | Yes | 2620 Engineering |
Engr First Year | Yes | 1150 Engineering |
Human Ecology | No | 1194 Nancy Nichols Hall |
Letters & Science | *see below | 110 Ingraham Hall |
Nursing | Yes | 1131 Cooper Hall, Signe Skott |
Pharmacy | Yes | 1203 Rennebohm Hall |
Division of Continuing Studies: | ||
University Specials | No | 21 N. Park St, 7th floor |
Guest Students | *see below | 21 N. Park St, 7th floor |
*Late Enrollment Activities for these students may require advisor’s approval:
Business students late enrollment: no advisor’s authorization
- Academic dean’s approval required; visit 3150 Grainger Hall.
Business students late add:
- Instructor’s, department’s office & dean’s office authorization required.
Business students late drop:
- Dean’s approval required; visit 3150 Grainger Hall.
Letter’s & Sciences late enrollment:
- Department’s approval & dean’s approval both required; visit 110 Ingraham Hall
Letter’s & Sciences late add:
- Instructor’s, department’s office & dean’s office authorization required
Letter’s & Sciences late drop:
- Dean’s approval required; visit 110 Ingraham Hall
Guest students must obtain the authorization of the instructor for each course in which they enroll.