Each academic department should have one person designated as the primary curricular representative with one or more back-up curricular representatives recommended. It is the responsibility of the primary curricular representative to collect updates to the upcoming schedule of classes and enter allowable updates directly in SIS.
SIS is the official system of record for credit instruction and student records, and thus correct setup of classes is essential to maintain systems connected to enrollment access/controls, tuition, degree progress, veteran benefits, campus budget allocations, and much more. Since building the schedule of classes is decentralized at UW-Madison, curricular reps work with academic leadership in their department(s) and school/college to determine the course offerings for their subject(s) each term. This includes what is taught, when, and by whom. This information is then entered into SIS so students may view it via Course Search & Enroll.
New courses and changes to courses are approved through Lumen and then become available in SIS to be scheduled by curricular reps.
The Curricular Services section of the Registrar’s Office supports departments and schools/colleges as they build and maintain the schedule of classes. Curricular Services establishes the curricular production schedule and communicates the timelines and processing instructions to the primary curricular rep in each department. The team provides expert guidance on using SIS, explains and enforces policies, audits class setups for accuracy and compliance, resolves curricular (and enrollment) problems, assigns hundreds of General Assignment classrooms for classes and events, and helps test and maintain key systems.
New curricular representatives should:
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
Provide Curricular Services with your contact information
Contact the Curricular Services staff person responsible for your department. View the Curricular Services Staff Contact List to determine the appropriate Curricular Services staff person. Give Curricular Services your information: name, address, email, phone, and department affiliation and the Curricular Services contacts database will be updated so you get timely communications directly. If needed, Curricular Services will also make sure that you have materials previously sent out that are still applicable to a particular process in progress.
Get update access to SIS
The Student Information System (SIS) is the primary tool for building the schedule of classes. Begin by filling out the Access form. You will need to request “SC_TTBL2” (the curricular update authorization role) in order to update your schedule of classes directly in SIS.
Note that this system requires training prior to full access.
Get access to 25Live classroom availability and reservations system
Administrative staff who will be managing special-event space requests for their department/program can request authorization to use the 25Live. Anyone can also use the form to request View Only access to see classroom schedules.
Add the Lumen widget to MyUW
The Lumen widget is the portal to access the Guide (for Guide editors), the online Course Proposal system, and the Classroom Availability and Reservations Software. To add this widget to your MyUW homepage, click the “Add to Home” widget often found at the bottom of your home page. Search “Lumen”, then click “+Add to Home” on the right side of your page.
Bookmark the Lumen and RO KB website
Become familiar with all the Guide, the Course Proposal process, and 25Live with resources through the Lumen KB and the Office of the Registrar KB.
Acquaint yourself with the Office of the Registrar website
This website has curricular build update materials such as curricular forms, schedules and calendars and links to additional university resources for the schedule build process. Familiarize yourself with the website as it includes information for curricular and enrollment reps, as well as other faculty, staff, and students.
Overview of the curricular build process
Learn more about the Curricular Build process.
Read up on our Curricular & Enrollment Pro Tips
The Office of the Registrar shares tips to answer curricular representatives’ common questions. You can find them here.
If you have trouble with your browser or have problems logging in to SIS, please contact the DoIT Help Desk at (608) 264-4357 or help@doit.wisc.edu