The Office of the Registrar and the Division of Enrollment Management is committed to providing equal opportunity and equal access and to complying with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations and University of Wisconsin System and UW-Madison nondiscrimination policies and procedures.
The following are the nondiscrimination bases for covering students and applicants for admission to the university; university employees and applicants for employment at the university; and those wishing to take part in university programs and activities, including visitors to campus.
Students/Educational Programs:
- age
- ancestry
- color
- creed
- disability
- ethnicity (specifically involving harassment by UW employees)
- gender identity or expression
- marital or parental status
- national origin
- pregnancy
- race
- religion
- retaliation for opposing discrimination, making a complaint of discrimination or taking part in an investigation relating to discrimination
- sex
- sexual orientation
- or any other category protected by law, including physical condition or developmental disability as defined in Wisconsin Statutes § 51.01(5).
- age
- ancestry
- arrest record
- color
- conviction record
- creed
- disability
- ethnicity (specifically involving harassment by university employees)
- gender identity or expression
- genetic information including genetic testing
- honesty testing
- marital or parental status
- military service
- national origin
- pregnancy
- race
- religion
- retaliation for opposing discrimination, making a complaint of discrimination or taking part in an investigation relating to discrimination
- sex
- sexual orientation
- use or nonuse of lawful products off the employer’s premises during nonworking hours
- veteran status
- declining to attend a meeting or participate in any communication about religious matters or political matters, or any other category protected by law
Visitors and Program Participants/University Activities:
- age
- ancestry
- color
- creed
- disability
- national origin
- race
- retaliation for making a complaint of discrimination, or taking part in an investigation relating to discrimination, or opposing discrimination
- sex
- sexual orientation
Also covered is any other nondiscrimination category that may be subsequently added, even if not included in the above list, as a result of federal or State of Wisconsin court, legislative, or regulatory action, or action taken by UWS or the university. In the event of changes to the university’s non-discrimination requirements, view the most recent version.
Additional Campus Resources
UW-Madison Office of Compliance
For more information on equal opportunity and access, the names of the Title IX and Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinators, and the processes for how to file a complaint alleging discrimination, please contact the Office of Compliance. The Office of Compliance is located at 361 Bascom Hall, 500 Lincoln Drive, Madison WI 53706 and can be reached at Voice: 608-265-6018 (relay calls accepted); Fax: 608-263-4725; Email:
UW-Madison Title IX Coordinator
Address questions concerning sex discrimination to the Title IX Coordinator: Assistant Vice Provost, Director of the Office for Equity and Diversity, 179-A Bascom Hall, 500 Lincoln Drive, Madison, WI 53706; Voice 608-263-2378; WTRS: 7-1-1; Fax 608-263-5562.
UW-Madison Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator
Questions concerning disability can be addressed to the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator: Director, Office of Administrative Legal Services, 500 Lincoln Drive, Room 361 Bascom Hall, Madison, WI 53706, Voice 608-263-7400; Fax 608-263-4725.
McBurney Disability Resource Center
Students seeking disability related accommodations in order to participate in the university’s programs or activities should contact the McBurney Center at: 702 W. Johnson St., Suite 2104, Madison, WI 53715; Voice 608-263-2741; Text 608-225-7956; Fax 608-265-2998. Other resources for disability issues on campus can be found on the Americans With Disabilities Act Coordinator website.
Division of Enrollment Management Student Complaints
The Division of Enrollment Management has a complaint form to address issues that may be used to file a complaint regarding issues that may interfere with the ability to participate in or benefit from programs, activities, or services at UW-Madison.