Utilizing the Overscheduled Times by Subject Report

Increased demand on General Assignment (GA) classrooms at peak times is resulting in more and more classes not receiving a GA classroom assignment. Although not guaranteed, classes scheduled at standard times and when the subject is not overscheduled have a much greater likelihood of receiving a GA assignment.

Per the campus Classroom Scheduling policy, “departments are expected to schedule an equal share of early morning and late afternoon classes throughout the day. To achieve this 1/7th, or approximately 14% of a department’s classes should be scheduled at each of the six prime time hours…. Sections in excess of the distribution of class hours guidelines will receive a lower assignment priority.”

The Overscheduled Times by Subject Report is available in SIS for reps to run on demand during Initial Call to identify times when a subject is overscheduled. Additional details about the report, including step-by-step instructions for running it, are available in this KB. UPDATE: Based on your feedback and an assessment of the technical possibilities and constraints, Curricular Services has increased the rate at which the data used in this report are updated. The underlying data are now being refreshed every 10 minutes, compared to every hour when the report was first launched. We hope this change allows you to more efficiently manage your work during Initial Call.