A new application in MyUW is providing a better experience for students looking to view their course and final exam schedules.
The new Course Schedule app, which launched just before Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration (SOAR), is a collaborative effort between the Office of the Registrar (RO) and the Division of Information Technology (DoIT). It features an accessible and mobile-responsive calendar view of students’ courses plus a bulleted list of each of each course’s weekly meetings and exams. Lectures, discussions, and labs are now color-coded to more clearly group meetings by course.

Students can find the new app by navigating to MyUW, selecting the Courses app and selecting Course Schedule from the menu, or by selecting “Course Schedule” on their MyUW homepage.
“This new app supports a better student experience by providing clear and concise schedule information to students, and it arrives at a time when students need it most: at SOAR and during the first few weeks of classes,” says Associate Registrar for Student Services Aaron Apel. “We appreciate the hard work of and collaboration with our DoIT partners who helped to make these improvements happen on such a short timeline.”
With less than two months before SOAR was set to begin, the RO and DoIT’s Registrar’s Office Application Development (ROAD) and Teaching & Research Application Development (TRAD) teams worked quickly to identify data needs and implement the improvements. The TRAD team was able to successfully rewrite the Course Schedule app in just a few weeks.
“The Course Schedule update modernizes the application and aligns with the look and feel of the Course Search & Enroll application,” DoIT Academic Technology Director Tamara Walker explains. “The new Course Schedule app is a testament to the tremendous work that happens when multiple groups across campus collaborate and share resources.”

The old My Courses Portlet, which allowed students to view course details and schedules, has been decommissioned to reduce confusion and duplication of many functions. Most of the old portlet’s functions – except for viewing course schedules – were previously implemented in the Courses app; launching the new Course Schedule app allowed DoIT to fully decommission the former portlet, eliminating the need to maintain multiple similar products.