Undergraduate Transfer Credit Advisory Group (UTCAG)

The purpose of the UTCAG is to increase information sharing between the curricular units on campus and the business service units around the articulation of undergraduate transfer credits, including how they meet degree requirements, process improvement efforts, and other administrative practices. The advisory group’s efforts should result in improved service and communication to the student body at UW–Madison, greater efficiency in granting equivalencies for test scores and prior coursework, and improved academic planning tools for prospective students that help support student progress in timely undergraduate degree completion.

At A Glance


Tracy Mores (Co-Chair)

Kimbrin Cornelius (Co-Chair)


Meets the 2nd Monday of February, May, August, and November from 11 a.m.-noon. Virtual meetings until further notice.


UTCAG has representation including but not limited to, each of the schools and colleges at UW-Madison offering undergraduate majors and degrees, the Credit Evaluation Services team in the Office of the Registrar, the Office of Undergraduate Advising, Center for the First Year Experience, and Academic Planning & Institutional Research. In light of the particular role of University General Education Requirements with respect to transfer, a representative of the University General Education Committee (UGEC) will also be represented.  UTCAG co-chairs may invite additional individuals to meetings based on specific topics, especially those that require additional expertise for informing the discussion.

Name Area
Megan Ackerman-Yost CALS
Katie Bleier Nursing
Lori Christianson Admissions
Kimbrin Cornelius L&S
Barb Gerloff Education
Scott Golueke Credit Evaluation Services
Kendra Gurnee Pharmacy
Clare Huhn DAPIR
Zach Johnson Wisconsin School of Business
Andrea Johnston School of Human Ecology
Michael Radloff Computer Science
Elaine Klein General Education
Anne Eckenrod Degree Audit Reporting System
Diana Maki Office of Undergraduate Advising
Tracy Mores Office of the Registrar, Credit Evaluation Services
Jessica Regan Engineering
Martin Rouse Division of Continuing Studies
Emily Schmidt Cross College Advising